Creation of Il Vocabolario del fiorentino contemporaneo (Dictionary of Contemporary Florentine Language): project financed by Regione Toscana and Comune di Firenze (first three-year period) and by Federico del Vecchio Bank - Banca Etruria group (second three-year period); 1994-1996/2011-2013.
Creation of a single archive collecting 15th and 16th century art treatises; in collaboration with the Fondazione Memofonte, financed by the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; 2013-ongoing.
Digitalization and indexing of the main texts (treatises, recipe books, manuals) of Italian gastronomy, from Scienza in cucina by Pellegrino Artusi (1891) to the end of the Second World War (1945) with other relevant previous works . Project in collaboration with Academia Barilla; 2011-ongoing.
Comparing languages
Il gruppo ha lo scopo di monitorare i neologismi e forestierismi incipienti, nella fase in cui si affacciano alla lingua italiana e prima che prendano piede; 2015-in corso.
The Piazza aims at the preservation and at carrying out activities for the promotion of multilingualism in the European Union; 2007-ongoing.
Promotion of standard/national/official languages of the European Union countries; 2001-2002.
Italian language in the world
Digital integrated archive of didactic materials, iconographic and multimedia texts and documentation for the divulgation of Italian linguistic and historical-cultural heritage, with special regard to the second and third generation Italians abroad; project FIRB; 2009-2013.
The Week of the Italian language in the world promotes, around the world, the Italian language in its different aspects. Every year, a specific subject or a particular area of the language are chosen; in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; from 2001.
Since 2014, the Accademia has created the portal Crusca Scuola which is entirely dedicated to the school and provides verified and up-to-date teaching material.
Training courses
A project by the Accademia della Crusca and the Liceo Scientifico "A.M. Enriques Agnoletti" (Sesto Fiorentino), with the collaboration of CAFRE of Pisa University, for Italian and scientific subjects teachers of primary and secundary schools.
Training course for teachers on teaching Italian and use of information technologies (ICTs) and in particular interactive whiteboards (IWB); 2012-2013.
Book edited by academics and staff of the Accademia della Crusca, in collaboration with PreTesti, digital magazine of Telecom Italia; 2011-ongoing.
Television interviews to members and collaborators of the Accademia; in collaboration with Tv2000; 2009-2010.
Frequency lexis of Italian in the main national tv channels; PRIN projects; 2006-2013.
Law and administration
For an effective written communication: from administrative deeds to web writing; in collaboration with CLIEO and Regione Toscana; 2012-ongoing.
The Association aims at promoting a simpler and plainer language for administrative information; in collaboration with the CNR Institute of theory and technique for juridical information; 2012-ongoing.
Guidance for the writing of public records; in collaboration with CLIEO (Historical and theoretical linguistics centre: Italian, European and Eastern languages) and ITTIG (Institute of theory and technique for juridical information); 2011-ongoing.
Information tools
The new website of the Academy; project with the contribution of Peretola Airport; 2012.
Participation to the project "Nuovo soggettario" coordinated by the National Central Library of Florence; 2012-ongoing.
Implementation of a metasearch engine for the access to the digital archives; project financed by Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; 2007-2008.
Heritage development
The catalogue of the Crusca library becomes part of the Florence University catalogue; 2013-2014.
Creation of the "Arrigo Castellani" book collection; project co-financed by Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; 2012-2014.
Parallelization of the historical lexycographical archive of the five editions of Vocabolario; project financed by Regione Toscana, in collaboration with CNR-OVI; 2011-2013.
Structural interventions
Renovation works of the guestrooms and the central heating of the building hosting the Accademia della Crusca; project financed by Regione Toscana and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze; 2008-2011.
Project for the implementation of a Local Area Network LAN and for the digital cataloguing of the Library; financed by Ente Cassa di Risparmio; 1999-2000.
Notices by Crusca
Speaker's corner
La competenza linguistica dei giovani italiani: cosa c'è al di là dei numeri?, by Rosario Coluccia.