The lunette of Giusto di Utens
The lunette of Giusto of Utens, crafted between 1599 and 1602, represents a regularization of reality, of the same order as the lunette of Villa della Petraia. The villa is portrayed perfectly in line with the bridge over the plant nurseries and with the fountains of Fiorenza and Hercules and Antaeus. The part of the building above the level of the roof, existing in reality only on the eastern side, is duplicated on the western side, while the windows are represented as perfectly symmetrical. Utens then adds a secret garden on the right hand side of the building that never existed, identical however to the one that did exist on the left side. In this way he achieves the perfect axiality between garden, villa and avenue, exactly as Il Tribolo had intended. His model was probably still visible in Utens’ time, and it would have represented that idea of spatial perfection never achieved, but platonically conceived as superior to reality. The lunette of the Villa of Castello is one of the twelve lunettes painted by Giusto of Utens, splendid testimonies of the Medicean villas at the end of the sixteenth century. The lunettes are now housed at the Villa "La Petraia" in Florence.
Notices by Crusca
Speaker's corner
La competenza linguistica dei giovani italiani: cosa c'è al di là dei numeri?, by Rosario Coluccia.
The Piazza aims at the preservation and at carrying out activities for the promotion of multilingualism in the European Union; 2007-ongoing.
Digital integrated archive of didactic materials, iconographic and multimedia texts and documentation for the divulgation of Italian linguistic and historical-cultural heritage, with special regard to the second and third generation Italians abroad; project FIRB; 2009-2013.
Creation of Il Vocabolario del fiorentino contemporaneo (Dictionary of Contemporary Florentine Language): project financed by Regione Toscana and Comune di Firenze (first three-year period) and by Federico del Vecchio Bank - Banca Etruria group (second three-year period); 1994-1996/2011-2013.