From the Scuola senese to the Accademia della Crusca

From the Scuola senese to the Accademia della Crusca
The language issue lexicography between 1500 and 1600
The project, co-financed by Fondazione Monte dei Paschi and Regione Toscana, aims at illustrating a particularly interesting period for the history of Italian language.
The Scuola senese was founded in Siena in the early XVI century and among its leading figures were Claudio Tolomei, Bellisario Bulgarini, Adriano Politi, Celso Cittadini, Scipione Bargagli e Girolamo Gigli. It would continue for the following two centuries with the intent of defending the supremacy of Senese language against the Florentine language.
A digital path allows users to browse the cardinal texts of the Scuola senese through a bibliography of the texts published after 1525 that have been partially stored in the digital archive (about 21,000 images), the biographies of the figures of the Scuola senese, informative records about the main works and a critical bibliography.